News and Updates

Petition Update And Town Clerk Beville Response And Other Updates

From May 17th

Hello Greenburgh,

Election Petition Update

An update to my prior email,  the now being circulated petition for Incumbent Town Clerk Judith Beville to appear in the November general election also has Manny Areces on it as a candidate for Town Council. So the June Democratic Primary will be uncontested for these seats but assuming this petition is accepted, they will be on the ballot in the November general election as Independents. 

Further, I was asked by Judith to post her response to the fact that the petition she was on was rejected by the courts for fraud. 
I have published her response, unedited, in full here on my website.  These are Judiths words and do not necessarily represent the views of any of her other petition mates or myself.

A reminder- I am happy to publish relevant op eds from others as long as they are respectful.  I believe a diverse set of voices is key to a greater understanding of almost any subject.  If you would like to write about an issue or a topic that I will include in my email newsletters please reach out to me at

Capital Budget Update
The next public hearing on the capital budget will be 5/24 at the regular Town Board meeting at 7:30pm at Greenburgh Town Hall.  I plan to attend that meeting and speak.  If you will be there as well please reach out as I'd love to hear your thoughts. 
My last email has some of my thoughts on the proposal as is.  It is likely/possible it will be updated in advance of the 5/24 hearing. You can read the current proposal here:

Leaf Blowers
At the public hearing regarding banning all leaf blower usage between June 15th and August 14th, there was overwhelming citizen and business opposition.  Wil this matter? Probably not. We can all likely look forward to either fines and/or massively escalated landscaping costs when the Town Board passes this.

Just last night in their war against leaf blowers the Town pased a law limiting how leaf blowers can be used on a property.  Only 1 leafblower can be used at at time.  How this will actually be enforced(spoiler alert it won't be) and what the impact will be are still TBD but the TB is not finished yet with this topic. Thank you Town of Greenburgh board for this spring present.

Food Scraps
Supervisor Feiner has circulated a survey to gauge resident interest in replacing one of the trash pickup days with food scrap pickup.  501 people responded.  The head of DPW came to the Town Board Work Session and was extremely concerned about the proposal citing its impact on bulk pickups(possibly extended months), extra cost, and said more study is required.

Additional Items

  • AssemblyWoman MaryJane Shimsky- As part of my role with Hartsdale Neighbors I'll be hosting a Zoom roundtable with our new Assemblywoman for the 92nd district Mary Jane Shimsky. This will be 5/18 at 8:00pm on Zoom.  More details and the zoom link to join here.   Email if you have topics you'd like to see raised. 

  • School Budget Votes- 2 local districts voted down their School Budgets including Elmsford resoundingly 552-328 and Blind Brook as well which needed 60% approval because it was overriding the tax cap failed because it only received 55% support.  Those districts will have to put second budget proposals before voters or adopt contingency budgets, which require freezing the tax levy at this year's level.

Hopefully, you have found this informative.  Please send any questions and forward to your friends and neighbors.  If you have questions about any of the above, please email me at

Eric Zinger

Eric Zinger