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Odell House Lawsuit

Breaking News- The Town is being sued! However in my preliminary opinion, this case is meritless and I side with the town. The details of the case are not online yet but were written about in the link below.

This lawsuit alleges that the Town pressured Mr. Stackpole and his Sons of the American Revolution Chapter(Membership 1 total person) into handing over ownership of the property to the Town. It alleges that the town did so by fraudulently threatening to remove the tax exempt status of the property.

In my opinion these allegations are completely without merit and to support that opinion, I'll quote Mr. Stackpole himself who said about the deal in the Journal news "It’s a wonderful partnership between the state, Greenburgh and us”.

Under Mr. Stackpole stewardship, the Odell House was left to die a slow death, slowly falling apart due to the elements, with no efforts to maintain the property at all. There was no programming at the site, no educational events, no speakers, no website, no fundraising, literally nothing at all being done with the property. It was left to rot.

A group of citizens wanted to change that and began coordinating among themselves and formed a group "Friends of Odell House" to look to see what could be done to rectify the abused status of one of the most important sites of the Revolutionary War.

It would appear Mr. Stackpole regrets his decision to give up ownership of the property and may just be jealous that so much amazing progress has been made by the Friends of Odell House. That group assisted the Town with getting a $1.2mm grant and has done more in the last 2 years with Odell House than Mr. Stackpole did in 40+ years.

When the Town is wrong, I'll be the first one to say so but when they are in the right, I will also be the first to defend them and in this case, I support the Town 100%.

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Eric Zinger