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Suzanne Berger for Westchester County Democratic Committee Chair

I am announcing my support and endorsement for Suzanne Berger for chair of the Westchester County Democrats at the upcoming reorganization meeting 9/17. If you are a Democratic District Leader in Westchester I encourage you make sure you attend and vote for Suzanne. If you know District Leaders or are a registered Democrat in Westchester, contact your area DL to let them know you support Suzanne.

Over the last several years I have gotten to know Suzanne as she was Chair of the Greenburgh Democratic Committee. When I ran for Greenburgh Town Council in the 2019 primary, I was not one of the endorsed candidates. Regardless of that fact, Suzanne always treated me fairly and with respect. As a first time candidate she took many of my calls to answer my questions.

During the campaign the rarely used Committee on Vacancies was activated when Councilman Kevin Morgan tragically passed. Suzanne led the process to fill his spot on the petition and while I disagreed with the outcome, I felt like the entire process was conducted in a equitable and transparent manner. As Greenburgh chair Suzanne helped organize some of the candidates events, and again Suzanne's strong integrity and character was on display throughout the process. I was treated fairly and impartially. This is the kind of leadership that we need in Westchester.

Please join me in supporting Suzanne Berger for Westchester County Democratic Chair!

Eric Zinger