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Hello Greenburgh,

As you may or may not know, all voting for local school district budget approval and Board of Education seats is being done via mail in ballot this year due to Corona Virus.  You should keep an eye out for your ballot in the mail over the next couple of days. Mine came today from the Greenburgh Central School District. 


  The ballot must be received by the district by 6/9 so fill it out and return it as soon as you get it. If you haven't received your ballot by Tuesday, I recommend you contact your district clerk. There is no option to vote in person.

Greenburgh Central School District
If you live in the Greenburgh Central School District, I encourage you to vote yes on the budget and on Proposition 1.  I participated in several workshops about the budget over the last several weeks and there was lots of community feedback, which the board took into account. The budget increases the tax levy by only 1.46% which is well below the tax cap(and in many cases homeowners will actually see a decrease in the taxes they pay), reduces administration spending by 8.5%, factors in an expected decrease in state aid, and begins to take baby steps towards addressing the capital infrastructure needs of the district.  If you are interested in reading more about the proposed budget, you can do so here. The District also send out a mailer about the budget which contains a number of pertinent FAQ's.  You can read that here.  

Proposition 1 authorizes putting excess funds from the 19/20 school year into a repair reserve fund. This does not impose any additional costs on the taxpayer and is a prudent step towards addressing the funding requirements the district has for dealing with its aging buildings. 

I also encourage you to vote for both Ashley Pineda and Tracy Mairs for Board of Education.  Watching them during this process, I have been impressed with their dedication, priorities, and overall work as board members. They both deserve an additional term.

If you have any questions about the voting process please let me know.

Eric Zinger

Eric Zinger