News and Updates

March 2nd Update- Abinanti Challenger, Greenburgh Updates and More

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Eric Zinger's Greenburgh Information and News

Hello Greenburgh,

March is here and spring is in the air.  Check the Town of Greenburgh updates section for something that hasn't happened in Greenburgh in years!  Please forward this newsletter to your neighbors and friends and encourage them to subscribe.

Jennifer Williams to challenge Assemblyman Abinanti 

Greenburgh is represented in the New York State Assembly (District 92) by Democrat Thomas Abinanti,  He has served as Assemblyman since 2010 prior to serving on the Westchester County Legislature and Greenburgh Town Council. This will be the first time he has had a challenger for Assembly in the Democratic Primary since his first run in 2010.  

Jennifer Williams of Irvington has announced she will be running against him according to  You can learn more about her on her FB Page and follow her on Twitter here.

Town of Greenburgh Updates

  • Something occurred at the most recent Greenburgh Town Board meeting on Wed 2/26 that hasn't happened in quite some time.  A resolution sponsored and proposed by Paul Feiner  was voted down by the Town Board. Yes that's right, the Town Board voted 3-2 against a resolution regarding the Hartsdale Public Parking Authority.  The resolution included a request to expand the board from 3 to up to 7 members and also remove the requirement for board members to own property in the district.  Councilwoman Juettner and Jackson along with Councilman Jones(Town Board liason to the HPPD) voted no with Councilman Sheehan and Supervisor Feiner voting yes.  You can watch that meeting here.

    • A lawyer hired to speak on behalf of the HPPD requested that the resolution be held over to a later date to allow for more input/discussion from the HPPD.  Several board members also spoke up about the lack of public discussion on this issue before a vote.  Both times the issue was discussed it was in executive session and not open to the public.  Supervisor Feiner urged the Town Board to pass the legislation that night, arguing that further delay would hurt the chances of the bill being taken up this year.

    • Several Edgemont residents including former candidate for Supervisor Bob Bernstein also spoke up against the proposal. There are many within Edgemont who feel the move to expand the HPPD is an attempt by Feiner to leverage more control of the HPPD and insure their support in his fight against Edgemont Incorporation.

    • It marked a rare rebuke to Supervisor Feiner's leadership.  I honestly tried to find the last time a resolution failed and was unable to do so.  Some people I spoke to said it had not happened in over a decade. Does this mark a new era in Greenburgh? Time will tell.

  • That same evening the Town rescheduled the next discussion for the proposed law regarding the commercial sale of dogs and cats to 3/25.

Upcoming Events

  • 3/11- Greenburgh Town Board Meeting 7:30pm Greenburgh Town Hall

  • 3/18- Greenburgh Town Hall- Planning Board Meeting Public Hearing Maplewood Assisted Living W. Hartsdale Ave.

  • 3/25- Greenburgh Town Hall- Dog and Cat Public Hearing Time TBD

  • 4/25- Greenburgh Nature Center 50th Anniversary Earth Day- Get your hands dirty at the Greenburgh Nature center planting, weeding and clearing trails.  Event registration and additional activities for Earth week can be found at

  • 6/14- Odell House Colonial Day- Ridge Road Park 12:00pm.  Live military re-enactments and family friendly activites.

Eric Zinger

Eric Zinger