News and Updates

Fire District Elections Tomorrow and End of Year Updates

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Hard to believe but we are only a few weeks away from the end of 2020. It's getting cold and Hanukkah, Christmas and New Years will be here soon. If anyone has Covid friendly activity suggestions for a 3 year old, please feel free to share with me as feeling like the winter might to be rough. If you find these updates informative, forward them to your friends and neighbors and encourage them to subscribe, and like my page on FB. Questions? Event you want publicized? Something your curious about? Email me at

Fire District Election

Tomorrow, the 3 Professional Fire Departments in Greenburgh(Fairview, Greenville, Hartsdale) are having their annual election for Board seats. If you live in Unincorporated Greenburgh you probably live in one of these 3 districts but some residents live in Fire Protection Districts. You can only vote if you live in the actual Fire District. Each of the Fire Districts operate independently and have their own borders, tax rates and 5 person governing board. You pay taxes and get to vote, only for the district you live in. Those board members serve 5 year terms that have 1 seat coming due each year with an election in December. Each of the 3 elections this year has only 1 candidate on the ballot, write in votes are permitted.

  • Anthony Frasca for Hartsdale.

  • James Robinson for Fairview.

  • Jonathan Faust for Greenville.

Voting Hours and locations are different for each District

Make sure to vote and it becomes a habit!

Greenburgh Update

I will have a final update before the end of the year. Until then, be well.

Eric Zinger

Eric Zinger