News and Updates

Election/Voting Information and Greenburgh Town Updates

Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy as we continue through 2020.  This email update will contain information on voting in the current election and a number of updates regarding Greenburgh Town News. 

Before getting into it, I just had to say something regarding the Presidential Election.  I started this email newsletter for my campaign, and transitioned it to focus on local issues.  That said because it is just so important I just wanted to encourage everyone to vote for Joe Biden for President and if you have any friends or relatives in swing states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, please encourage them to vote for Joe Biden as well.

Voting Information

I know everyone is being bombarded from all sides with voting information but just wanted to share across the best way to vote in the upcoming election. Early Voting has already begun and we have seen long lines throughout all of Westchester County. You can vote at any of the 17 early voting locations in Westchester County.  I have heard the lines at the County Board of Elections site have been relatively short, around 30 minutes.

For a list of early voting sites and hours(hours are different each day) click the below link.
Early Voting Information

On Tuesday 11/3 election day, polls will be open from 6:00am-9:00pm and you can only vote at your assigned polling location.  Look up your location here as it may be different than prior elections. For example I normally vote at the Hartsdale Fire House and this year I am voting at Highview Elementary.

Greenburgh Updates

  • The first public hearing on the budget has been scheduled for 11/24.  I say this every year but in my opinion this is the most important public hearing the Town has every year.  I will be sharing my thoughts on the budget once it is made public but for now encourage those interested in attending to mark the date on the calendar.

  • The decision to enroll all Unincorporated residents in an ESCO with Sustainable Westchester passed unanimously by the Town Board.  If you have not already opted out, this will cause a significant increase in your rate for the supply of electricity.  If you are interested in sourcing your electricity via green sources, you can do so with alternative ESCO's at significantly lower rates than the Town enrolled ESCO.  I encourage everyone to do their own research here on this issue.  If you have questions please feel free to email me.

  • The Town will be postponing the effective date of the recently passed Tree law which enforces rules and regulations regarding removal of trees to 1/4/2021.

  • The Town is working on passing a law to authorize the forfeiture of vehicles caught engaging in speeding and drag racing. The proposed law has many details that need to be ironed out and that was clear during the first public hearing on the matter. This is a good idea, but it needs additional refinement.

  • Victor Carosi the Director of Public Works has announced his retirement.  I've always been impressed by Mr. Carosi and his leadership in that role.  He will be hard to replace.

If you find these updates informative, forward them to your friends and neighbors and encourage them to subscribe, and like my page on FB.  Questions? Event you want publicized? Something your curious about? Email me at

Eric Zinger

Eric Zinger