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Town Property Tax Levy to Remain Flat for 2020- Your Voice Has Been Heard!

We did it!!! No Property Tax Levy increase for 2020!

I am currently at the Town Board Meeting where we just concluded the Public Hearing on the Operating Budget. Seconds before the hearing was opened, Supervisor Feiner announced that he planned to amend the proposed operating budget to now include no increase to the property tax levy!!

So while I had to amend my speech at the last minute, I was very happy to do so. We still have to wait and see the final budget before it is voted on, but this is a very good sign!

I know that a number of you reached out to Supervisor Feiner and the Town Board and urged them not to raise taxes this year. Thank you for your support in this effort. There is no way this would not have happened without you.


Eric Zinger