Scarsdale Inquirer Letter to the Editor
Good Evening everyone. I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. May your table be full of family, friends and good food. Today’s blog includes an update on the Tree Law and Proposed 2020 Budget as well as a couple of links from this week’s Scarsdale Inquirer including my Letter to the Editor on the Budget.
Budget 2020
As I have previously highlighted, this year's 2020 Operating Budget includes a $1.5mm tax increase. My Town Council campaign ran on the promise to not vote for any budget that would raise the property tax levy for at least two years. I would have to vote no on this budget as a result. Since the election I have continued to advocate at public hearings on the budget for an actual no-tax increase budget. This is very possible given the benefit of the increase in revenues from the county sales tax increase. By reducing the prefunding of capital budget items from $2.9mm to $1.4mm-that would give us a tax levy neutral budget. I encourage you to email the Town at to tell them: no more tax increases for Greenburgh. If you can attend the next public hearing on the budget it is tomorrow 11/25 at 7:30pm at Greenburgh Town Hall. This may be the last public hearing before a vote.
Tree Law
There has been a lot of discussion about the recently proposed Tree Law brought before the Town. At tomorrow’s Town Board meeting there will be a second public hearing on the proposal for people to share their feedback. Currently, only properties larger than one acre are covered by the existing tree law and this new law will apply to all homes. It places a number of requirements on homeowners related to trees and property maintenance. Many people have already weighed in and while I am not an expert on this subject, it is clear that the bill needs additional refinement and clarification. Preserving trees in Greenburgh is important and I think everyone agrees on that point, but this law was not ready for Prime Time. I am hoping there will be no vote on this legislation, which impacts every Greenburgh property owner in the TOV until the legitimate questions are addressed.
Inquirer Articles
I am including a couple of links below from this week's Scarsdale Inquirer. There is an article on the budget, a letter to the editor from myself on the budget, and an article from Stacy Fisher Hartsdale Neighbors Association President on the state of Greenburgh.
My Letter to the Editor-Budget Non subscribers click here.
Stacy Fisher- HNA President Letter to the Editor- Greenburgh Government