News and Updates

Budget Update and New Tree Law Proposal

Hello Everyone,

Two important topics in tonight's news update:

New Greenburgh Tree Law
The Town of Greenburgh is considering a proposed Tree ordinance that, unlike the current tree code, will apply to all property owners. Currently, only properties larger than one acre are covered by the law and this new law will apply to all homes. It legislates the removal of trees, the permit process required for doing so, and the town efforts to preserve trees in the Town. So if you own property in Greenburgh, this applies to you! There is a public hearing on the newly proposed law tomorrow evening at 7:00pm at Greenburgh Town Hall. This is the only item on the agenda. If you have comments you are encouraged to attend, if you cannot attend, you can email the Town Board at

Many people are not aware of this and you are encouraged to spread the word. The Town has said they will not be voting on the item tomorrow evening, but a vote could come shortly thereafter.

2020 Budget
The proposed 2020 Operating Budget (Here) and the 2020 Capital Budget(Here) are now available. On Wednesday 11/13, the Town held its first Public Hearing on the Budget and you can watch that hearing here. Click on the section for Public Hearings, one hour and 40 minutes in the budget hearing begins, I am the first public speaker.

Much of that Public Hearing focused on the question: Is the town raising property taxes? Supervisor Feiner has been promoting that the tax rate is staying flat and there is "No Tax Rate Increase".

I explicitly asked that exact question to the Town Comptroller who prepares the budget and the answer was unambiguously clear. Property taxes are increasing by $1.5mm in the Town and includes a 2.2% tax increase for 2020. The Supervisor is correct, the "tax rate" is staying flat, but the tax levy- the dollar amount in property taxes paid by homeowners- is increasing. Homeowners don't pay the tax rate, Homeowners pay taxes, and taxes are increasing. To suggest that this is a budget that does not include a tax increase is deceptive, and I am disappointed the Supervisor has continued to make those statements. I'm also disappointed by the Town Board, letting this go unchecked.

For more of my thoughts about the budget, click here.

I hope you find these updates informative.  Please forward them to your friends and neighbors and encourage them to subscribe, and like my page on FB.  Questions? Event you want publicized? Something you are curious about? Email me at

Eric Zinger

Eric Zinger